Phalaenopsis Orchid Care!!!

Choosing your Orchid!- 

When buying an orchid, you should look for several things to ensure that you are getting your money’s worth (some orchids cost a lot). First, you should make sure that the orchid’s roots and leaves should be a nice green color. You should also make sure that the flower spikes look healthy as well meaning that they have nice flowers. Lastly, if you do not plan on buying orchid media( A substance containing bark, mosses, etc.)immediately, make sure the media isn’t decomposing.

Do I use soil when planting or repotting orchids?- 

NO, never use soil or any potting mix when planting or repotting orchids. Orchids are epiphytes meaning that they grow on other plants including trees and vines which is why in order to imitate that, orchids need to be planted in a mixture of mosses, bark, etc.. However, if you do not plan on making media, you could always buy orchid media online or make a trip to the local garden center.

How much sunlight does my Phalaenopsis orchid need?- 

Finding the adequate amount of light that your Phal orchid needs is crucial in order to keep your orchid happy and healthy. Too much sun exposure may cause your Phal to burn and too little sun exposure may prevent your orchid from blooming. Which is why constant indirect sunlight is strongly recommended.

When do I water my orchid?-

A good way to see if your orchid needs water is by looking at the roots. If the roots are a silvery/coppery color, they need water. However, factors such as heat and temperature may affect the times you need to water your orchid which is why you should always keep a close eye on your orchid’s roots and leaves.

When do I feed my orchid?-

Phal orchids usually need to be fed once a month in order to stay healthy and sustainable. You should always feed your orchid the day after it has been watered in order to prevent fertilizer burn which can kill the roots of the orchid and the orchid itself.

When do I prune the flower spikes of my orchid?-

Although the Phalaenopsis variety is known to have flowers rebloom on the same and existing flower spike, you should sometimes prune the spike in order to encourage new growth. If your orchid spike falls to a disease or fungal infection, you should grab a pair of garden shears or scissors and proceed to cut the spike off.

When do I repot my orchid/Which type of pot do I use?-

You should repot your orchid when the roots outgrow the existing pot they are in. However, you should never repot a small orchid in a large pot or vice versa. If you do not want to be constantly removing the orchid from its pot to see if the roots are healthy, I recommend you use a clear plastic pot with holes because the roots need a nice air flow as well. Caution! Never use clay pots because orchid roots tend to fuse with the pot.




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